Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Forced Landing... Why WSU?

When prompted to blog on why I am attending Wright State University, I was confronted by a razor tonged sub conscious version of myself.  All the harsh words that I swallow with blood when  pointed at others,  reach their intended audience with more clarity than the break-up text you accidently sent to the perfect girl you just met at the bar while you had been waiting, waiting for your girlfriend who had been helping your roommate’s best friend "find his contact" in your bathroom.  I had to write a blog...for college.  As I grew up, something made me want to do things my own way, and we all know that works out great.  Sophomore year in high school I had decided as soon as I had obtained my driver's license, I was going to start on a pilot's license.  I wanted to fly, but if there was one thing I wanted more, I wanted to defy convention.  A few weeks before I would have received my license I flew into a controlled airfield during peak traffic, and rather than control instructions, I received a string of expletives about as long as my flight.  I joined the Air force as an Air Traffic Controller.  This was the greatest thing I could have possibly done.   I was surrounded by the world’s most cocky, arrogant, skilled, irritant, and efficient.  The first question my supervisor asked me on my arrival was “what job I would like to have in the Air Force,” he then supplemented this question with “After you fail here, of course.”  Just the motivation I needed.  Five years later Standing at a fork in the road, I had to swallow my pride and join the academian herd.   I chose this school simply because it was far enough away from home that I wouldn’t be forced to see a lot of the people I grew up with, and there are tunnels if it rains.