Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My computer Has It's Own Facebook

I have a Facebook, a MySpace and a Twitter, none of which I created.  Don’t get me wrong, I love to socialize, but I’ve always preferred face to face interaction.  My MySpace was created by two of my best friends in high school because they thought I should be on it, so they hijacked my e-mail address, and I used it a few times, then I went to the Air Force and used it a ton, then I quit because I wanted to hide from everyone.  A past girlfriend encouraged me to make a Facebook so we could share pictures.  Most of our sharing was not on Facebook, but I’ve kept the page she made me.  Two others of my friends created a Twitter using my name because I tend to deliver a fair amount of knock out one liners, but I don’t like to share my clever retorts and thoughts in this manner because a clever statement or comeback over the internet equates to little more than “I know you are but what am I” through our silicon sounding boards.  I’ve kind of stayed with Facebook because it is nice to keep in touch with people we’ve left behind but I wish it weren’t here so I would be forced to do better things with my time.     
I like the social networking experience as a tool for researching a person for whatever reason.  People say be careful what you post because employers will look at it.  I say just don’t be stupid to begin with.  If you have a page that says nothing but timely pleasantries and contains five professional glamor shots and a few carefully staged scenes it looks like you’re hiding.  Granted, if you have a picture kissing you’re best friend’s wife, and one kissing your best friend, they might wonder a little.  What does that say about a person, they like to have fun, they might be a little confused, maybe they’re equal and impartial, they surely aren’t hiding anything, and maybe that their friend’s wife is attractive enough that you would kiss him to get to kiss her…who knows.  I wouldn’t post a picture drinking Jack through a beer bong but I think they would probably be alright with it if you were holding a beer.  Overall I think employers should follow their own advice and leave home at home and work at work.

1 comment:

  1. P.S.-Is it wrong to add someone on Facebook just so you can delete them?
